
HES deployment - Docker

This instruction shows how to install the HES server using docker containers on Linux. Examples of commands are given for CentOS Stream 9 and Ubuntu (20+), for other Linux versions, refer to the documentation on installing and running docker. The steps for running HES will not be different.

First of all, you need to decide what URL will be for your future HES server. It can be something like Hereinafter, this name is indicated as <your_domain_name>. You can copy this instruction into any text editor and replace all instances of the <your_domain_name> with your name. After that, you can execute most of the commands just copying them from the editor.

You need to add your domain name to the DNS settings of your hosting provider.

1. Preparation (if not already done)

Install Docker

You can also always refer to the official installation documentation:


sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
sudo yum install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

in case of unsuccessful installation, on Centos, you may need to remove some packages

sudo yum remove runc podman buildah -y

and retry the installation


# Add Docker's official GPG key:
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg -y
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings 
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

# Add the repository to Apt sources:
echo \
  "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
  "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update 
# Install docker
sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

To verify installed docker version run the following command:

docker --version

# Docker version 27.3.1, build ce12230

and docker compose:

docker compose version

# Docker Compose version v2.29.7

2. Іnstalling HES in the docker

Download templates

We have prepared an archive with a template for building containers

cd ~
curl -O

Extracting files and moving to the /opt directory and create folders for HES

tar -xvf docker_latest.tar.gz
sudo mv HES /opt/ 

Build docker image

cd /opt/HES/
sudo docker build . -t hes

During operation, HES uses an encryption certificate that will be generated in the /opt/hes/hes-site/x509stores directory Since the server will run under the "root" user inside the container, you need to change the owner of the certificate directory:

sudo chown root:root /opt/HES/hes-site/x509stores

(optional) during the build, some space was used, then it can be cleared:

sudo docker builder prune --force            

and load the containers:

sudo docker compose up -d     

Check the status

You can check the status of the docker containers running the command:

sudo docker compose ps

NAME        IMAGE     COMMAND                  SERVICE     CREATED         STATUS                        PORTS
hes-mysql   mysql     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   hes-mysql   9 minutes ago   Up About a minute (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
hes-nginx   nginx     "/docker-entrypoint.…"   hes-nginx   9 minutes ago   Up About a minute   >80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp
hes-site    hes       "./HES.Web"              hes         9 minutes ago   Up About a minute             5000/tcp

To make sure that everything is configured correctly, open the URL of your site in a browser (https://<your_domain_name>). You should see the server authorization page. Log in using the default login 'admin@server' and default password 'admin'.

In case you cannot log in to the HES, see log files located in '/opt/HES/hes-site/logs'

Configure the Nginx (Optional)

Stop Server:

cd /opt/HES
sudo docker compose down

Open the /opt/HES/nginx/nginx.conf file for editing. Uncoment and replace all instances of <your_domain_name> with your name.

Finally, when config files updated, you can run the server:

cd /opt/HES
sudo docker compose up -d 

Configure the Docker for MS SQL (Optional)

Currently, HES can work with two databases: MySQL or MS SQL. By default, we use My SQL, but if you want to switch to MS SQL, you will need to perform a few additional steps, which will be described below

Skip this step, if you use a MySQL database

Stop Server:

cd /opt/HES
sudo docker compose down

So, first you need to tweak the file /opt/HES/docker-compose.yml

We have prepared a templates to work with the MS SQL container. Just run next commands:

sudo cp /opt/HES/mssql/docker-compose.yml /opt/HES/docker-compose.yml
sudo cp /opt/HES/mssql/appsettings.Production.json /opt/HES/hes-site/appsettings.Production.json

You need to find the text in docker-compose.yml file

SA_PASSWORD: C00ll_Passwrd_here

and set your SA user password instead of 'C00ll_Passwrd_here'. We will later need this password to create a user and HES database

Start MS SQL container only:

sudo docker-compose up -d hes-mssql

Use the docker exec -it command for create a new database and user:

sudo docker exec -it hes-mssql /opt/mssql-tools18/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P "C00ll_Passwrd_here" -No  -i /root/create_database.sql

instead of "C00ll_Passwrd_here", enter your password here, which you specified in the /opt/HES/docker-compose.yml file

The above command will execute the "/opt/HES/mssql/create_database.sql" script, which you can view (and optionally modify). As a result, a user and a database will be created in the Ms Sql database. Please note that this user and database will be used by HES (in the file /opt/HES/hes-site/appsettings.Production.json)

after changing the settings, you can start the server:

cd /opt/HES
sudo docker compose up -d 

Here you can find an update guide for Docker.

By default, access to the new server: login - admin@server password - admin

Last updated