Authorization on the HES server via a FIDO key

Hideez Enterprise Server – Authorization via FIDO key

You can configure authorization on the HES server via the FIDO key. You can use both an external FIDO key and a platform security key.

Step 1. Adding a key

Go to Profile, Security Keys section and click the Add Security Key button.

Then choose the type of the key and click "Next".

Follow the instructions of your FIDO key. If you are using HK, then refer to this guide. If you are using platform security key - to this.

You can add multiple keys.

Step 2. Authorization via the FIDO key

Enter your e-mail.

Select the Sign in with a security key login option.

Follow the instructions on the screen. Screens for HK use are shown.

After entering the PIN-code, polling your key and pressing the button while the green LED is flashing, you will be authorized on the HES server.

Step 3. Key's management

You can change the names for the keys or delete them using the corresponding buttons.

Last updated