Hideez Authentication Service Update

Updating the HES Server, the Hideez Client application and the Hideez Key firmware

The Hideez Authentication Service update should be carried out comprehensively, including:

Updating the firmware, client and server can be done in any order, the main thing is that finally, all versions match.

How to update the HES server

Depending on how the server was installed, there are different methods for updating:

When you upgrade the server, the data is preserved, but it is recommended to back up the database before.

How to update the Hideez Client

Update Hideez Client by installing a new version over the old one. This is a standard procedure that can be performed by installing through the GPO (Group Policy Object). When updating, the application settings are saved.

You can find the latest stable version of Hideez Client here.

How to update the firmware

Hideez Maintenance application is used to update the firmware, detailed instruction is here.

You can find the latest stable version of firmware here.

When updating the firmware, the data is saved, although when updating very old firmware versions, the data may be lost, because when adding new functionality (for example, FIDO authorization system) we are forced to redistribute the internal memory of the device. Please consult Hideez Technical Support before upgrading.

Last updated