Unlock PC by Security Key

Use cases of Hideez Enterprise Solution

Hideez Key can be used as a Security key for login in Windows 10.

To use Hideez Key as a Security key, there is no need to install any software on the user's PC. FIDO2 authentication is available by default.

Unlock PC by Security key available if such requirements are met :

  1. You are an Azure Active Directory user. (Contact the Administrator to clarify this).

  2. The administrator has specified for you the authentication method in Azure Active Directory - Security key. (Contact the Administrator to clarify this).

  3. You have Windows 10 version, OS build 1840, and higher installed on your PC. How to check you can find here.

  4. You have completed the procedure. Pairing a Hideez Key device with Windows 10.

Unlock PC by Security key Scenario

  1. You choose the way to unlock the PC - Security key.

  2. When there is a key survey, and the system asks you to take action, you click on the button.

  3. You enter your PIN-code.

  4. When re-survey the key, you confirm again by pressing the button.

You can also follow this instruction from Microsoft.

Last updated