Employee management

Hideez Enterprise Solution – Empolyee management

You can Edit Employee, See Details and Delete. Go to the section Employees.

Edit Employee

Note! Editing is unavailable for employees who were added automatically from Active Directory and have a corresponding icon next to their name.

You need to click on the line with the desired user and select Edit to edit the personal data of a user.

You can edit and save the data in the window that appears.

See details

To view user account information, you can:

  1. Double-click on a line with the name.

  2. Click on the line with the desired user and click Details button.

All Hideez keys and user accounts are visible in the window that appears.

In this window, you can create a personal account, add a shared account, edit a personal account, add a key to the user, delete the key from the user.

Delete Employee

To delete a user, go to the Employees section and click on the line with the desired user and click Delete.

Please note! You must first untie all HK from the user to delete him. If you try to delete a user who has an HK, the system will display an error message.

Last updated