This guide describes how to install the HES server on a computer that does not have Internet access. An example is taken for RedHat 7.9 in which MySQL 8 and nginx are not present in official repositories.
For install additives packages, If you do not have a local repository, you need to connect, for example, a repository with an official DVD in "/media/iso/”
then edit file ‘/etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7dvd.repo’
and bring this file to this content:
here "/media/iso/" is our DVD
and finally, connect the repository:
We will need to install the following programs: HES, MySQL, nginx
You can always find the latest versions of these programs at the following links:
Of course, you can always download from the original sites and download them manually, or:
Option 1:
Option 2: For automatic download, we have prepared a small script that downloads the latest versions of packages at the time of writing our instructions:
Or on windows computer:
You can save it, on a computer with internet access, called "" and then run:
Or on windows computer:
save it, on a computer with internet access, called "download.ps1" and then run in powershell:
It doesn't matter how you download the files, but in the end you need to have the following files on your computer:
Transfer these files to the computer on which you want to install HES and run the following commands
installing MySQL and nginx:
installing HES:
MySQL - here we need the following packages:
nginx -
We have saved the rpm files you need on our site by following the link and hes in
Then follow our instructions posted given that MySQL, nginx and HES have already been installed. All you have to do is configure them.
By default, access to the new server: login - password - admin
Hideez Enterprise Server without Internet access