Hardware key guide

Hideez Authentication Service – Hardware key pilot guide

Hideez Hardware Key Solution Components

Hideez Enterprise Server

  • can be deployed on both Windows and Linux server

  • is deployed from source or run on Docker

  • must be deployed on the Customer's side and entered into the domain

    in order to work with AD

Hideez Client (desktop application)

  • can be installed centrally, .msi

  • is designed for Windows 10-11 only

  • You can register the server address on all Сlients centrally

Hideez Keys (Hardware security tokens)

  • Replaceable (Hideez Key 3) or rechargeable (Hideez Key 4) battery

  • Multifunctional button with different color modes

  • Bluetooth connection

Other vendor's Security Keys

  • USB, NFS, Bluetooth connection

  • Universal Second Factor Authentication on HES (FIDO/2FA)

  • Usernameless login on HES (FIDO/WebAuthn)

  • Passwordless login on HES (FIDO/WebAuthn)

If you ordered a pilot project and successfully deployed your Hideez Enterprise Server, your Hideez Keys with active licenses have been added to it.

Use cases

Using the Hideez Key as a Security Key

Step 1

Unpack the box with the Hideez Key. Take out the key.

Step 2

Try to use the Hideez Key as a U2F security key. Using Hideez Key as a U2F security key for your two-factor authentication

Step 3

Try to use the Hideez Key as a FIDO2 security key for Windows 10 logon. Unlock PC by Security Key

Using the full functionality of Hideez Authentication Service

Step 1

In a Hideez Group email, you received the server address and access. Please go to the server and add one employee. At this stage, it is enough to fill in only his or her name and leave the rest of the data blank. How to add an Employee?

Step 2

Add the Hideez Key to your Employee. Assign a key to the user

Step 3

Install the Hideez Client on your workstation.

If Hideez staff didn't give you any special version, then use the latest stable version, which can be downloaded here.

Installation instructions are here.

Note! You can install the Hideez Client version to work with internal Bluetooth or with an external Hideez Dongle.

Step 4

Enter the HES address in the Hideez Client. Approve the workstation on the server. How to add and approve Workstations?

Step 5 (only for working with the Hideez Dongle)

Unpack the box with the Hideez Key if you haven't done so previously. Take out the key and insert the dongle into the USB port.

Step 6

Follow the steps to configure the Hideez Client for the Hardware Vault. First steps with Hideez Client with Hideez Dongle First steps with Hideez Client with internal Bluetooth

Step 7

Create your first account in the Hideez Client with two-factor authentication (OTP). Using Hideez Key as an OTP security key for your two-factor authentication

Step 8

Add an account to an existing employee to unlock the workstation on the server. How to work with personal employee accounts?

Step 9 (only for working with the Hideez Dongle)

Unlock your computer with Bluetooth Touch. Unlock PC by Bluetooth Touch (Tap-and-Go)

Step 10

Turn on the proximity unlock option for the Workstation added to the server and specify the Hideez Key that can use this option. Use proximity with Workstation

Step 11

Try to unlock the workstation by proximity. Unlock PC by proximity

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